Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Remembering Our First Stage of Education

Remembering Our First Stage of Education Most people have  good memories  of their elementary school days and one of them is recollections of a certain beloved teacher. Why not all? The result of  study  about successful and well-remembered elementary school teachers suggest that most of them actually enjoy working with kids, having fun and always happy to be with them. They can easily communicate with children; familiar with children’s needs, and always willing to understand. Memories of a Person Who Truly Loves Kids Pupils’ idea of a good elementary school  teacher  can be classified into three general categories – personal qualities, relationship with pupils, and teaching techniques. Study of students in grade 2 through 8 suggests that most of them frequently recall teachers who helped them in their work, kind, patient, polite, neatly dressed, friendly in and out class, and with a sense of humor. Moreover, in order of frequency, beloved and easily remembered teachers are those who are kind and thoughtful, having fun with kids, often in good mood, agreeable, friendly with a nice smile, considerate, smart and well-informed. Easily recalled #ElementaryMoments with beloved teacher seems linked to personal and behavioral characteristics associated with teaching efficiency. In practice, this is the ability of an elementary school teacher to create a learning atmosphere for kids, motivate them to take risks in the learning process, become more inventive and accept new ideas. These teachers according to literature are those who take a student of her or his normal frame of reference and help them see new possibilities even in complicated situations through humor. DEVELOPING STUDENTS CREATIVITY AND SELF-EXPRESSION THROUGH CRAYONS Memories of Effective and Inspiring Elementary School Teachers Most people have an implicit and internal definition of effective teaching. Most of us can easily distinguish a good teacher from a bad teacher. Everyone seems knowledgeable of what actually constitutes good teaching such as Ms. May and Mrs. Moody’s former elementary school  students who remembered them as funny but effective teachers. Ms. Daisy May is a kind of teacher who always starts the class with a smile. She is serious about teaching and often gives her students a lot of work. However, despite the difficulty, her great sense of humor made her classroom both fun and educational. Ms. May is kind and friendly in and out of the class but she never jokes about her class requirements. For instance, she was upset and failed almost the entire class when her students did not buy the book she required. Mrs. L. Moody, on the other hand, is a  sixth-grade teacher who is frequently remembered for her energy. She was loud, funny, but serious to her teaching like Ms. May. Although the qualities sound contradictory, Ms. Moody is an effective elementary school teacher who inspired many of her former students (now successful teachers) to pursue a teaching career. These teachers are best remembered for balancing classroom fun and learning. Their ability to â€Å"break the ice† and make students truly excited about coming to class and learn to separate them from the rest. They have the personal, relational, and teaching skills of an effective teacher that most students regard as best #ElementaryMoments.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Definition and Most Popular Methods of Note Taking

The Definition and Most Popular Methods of Note Taking Note-taking is the practice of writing down or otherwise recording key points of information. Note-taking is an important part of the research process. Notes taken on class lectures or discussions may serve as study aids, while notes taken during an interview may provide material for an essay, article, or book.  Taking notes doesnt simply mean scribbling down or marking up the things that strike your fancy, say  Walter Pauk and Ross J.Q. Owens in their book, How to Study in College. It means using a proven system and then effectively recording information before tying everything together. Cognitive Benefits of Note-Taking Note-taking involves certain cognitive behavior; writing notes engages your brain in specific and beneficial ways that help you grasp and retain information. Note-taking can result in broader learning than simply mastering course content because it helps you to process information and make connections between ideas, allowing you to apply your new knowledge to novel contexts, according to  Michael C. Friedman, in his paper, Notes on Note-Taking: Review of Research and Insights for Students and Instructors, which is part of the  Harvard University Initiative for Learning and Teaching. Shelley OHara, in her book, Improving Your Study Skills: Study Smart, Study Less, agrees, stating: Taking notes involves  active listening, as well as connecting and relating information to ideas you already know. It also involves seeking answers to questions that arise from the material. Taking notes forces you to actively engage your brain as you identify whats important in terms of what the speaker is saying and begin to organize that information into a comprehensible format to decipher later. That process, which is far more than simply scribbling what you hear, involves some heavy brainwork. Most Popular Note-Taking Methods Note-taking aids in reflection, mentally reviewing what you write. To that end, there are certain methods of note-taking that are among the most popular: The Cornell method, where you divide the paper into three sections: a space on the left for writing the main topics, a larger space on the right to write your notes, and a space at the bottom to summarize your notes; review and clarify your notes a soon as possible after class; summarize what youve written on the bottom of the page; and finally, study your notes.Creating a mind  map,  a visual  diagram that lets you organize  your notes in a  two-dimensional  structure, says  Focus. You create a mind map by writing the  subject or headline in  the center  of the page then add your  notes in the form of branches that  radiate  outward from the center.Outlining, which  is similar to creating an outline that you might use for a research paper.Charting, which  allows you to break up information into such categories as similarities and differences; dates, events, and impact; and pros and  cons, says  East Carolina University.The  sentence method, where you record every new thought, fact or topic on a separate line. All information is recorded, but it lacks (the) clarification of major and minor topics. Immediate review and editing are required to determine how information should be organized, says East Carolina University. Note-Taking Tips There are, of course, other variations on the previously described note-taking methods, such as the two-column method, says  Kathleen T. McWhorter, in her book, Successful College Writing, who explains that to use this method: Draw a vertical line from the top of a piece of paper to the bottom. The left-hand column should be about half as wide as the right-hand column. In the wider, right-hand column, record ideas and facts as they are presented in a lecture or discussion. In the narrower, left-hand column, note your own questions as they arise during the class. Making a list  can also be effective, say  John N. Gardner and Betsy O. Barefoot in Step by Step to College and Career Success. Once you have decided on a format for taking notes, you may also want to develop your own system of abbreviations, they suggest. Note-Taking Tips Among other tips offered by note-taking experts:Leave a space between entries so that you can fill in missing information.Use a laptop, which allows you to download information to add to your notes either during or after the lecture.Understand that there is a difference between taking notes on what you read and what you hear (in a lecture). If youre unsure what that might be, visit a teacher or professor during office hours and ask her to elaborate. Among other tips offered by note-taking experts: Leave a space between entries so that you can fill in missing information.Use a laptop, which allows you to download information to add to your notes either during or after the lecture.Understand that there is a difference between taking notes on what you read and what you hear (in a lecture). If youre unsure what that might be, visit a teacher or professor during office hours and ask her to elaborate. If none of these methods suit you, read the words of author Paul Theroux, in his article A World Duly Noted published in The Wall Street Journal in 2013: I write down everything and never assume that I will remember something because it seemed vivid at the time. And once you read these words, dont forget to jot them down in your preferred method of note-taking so that you wont forget them.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tackling substance misuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Tackling substance misuse - Essay Example Background One of the more pressing issues in health care intervention is the issuance, administration or prescription of drugs for patients. There has always been a continuing challenge about dispensation, dosage, supervision, as well as effect on patient so that medical practitioners, pharmacists, and their team have to be wary of several considerations prior to any action that relies administration to the patient or his / her immediate carer, or even in controlled setting. Reaction to drug or substance misuse vary leading to ideologically driven approaches in medicalization, treatment, decriminalisation, and even use of the criminal justice for quasi treatment. Other propositions such as harm minimisation and harm reduction were also considered with the understanding that use of substance is inevitable (Bevan, 2009). People with severe mental illness, group of individuals with complex needs and a varied range of problems are usually the concern for ‘dual diagnosis’ an d co-morbidity related to substance misuse or abuse. It was suggested that many problems related to substance misuse are linked to ill-prepared services that deal with these conditions. Bevan (2003) observed that Public Health treatment for substance misuse should understand that those who receive treatment are of chronic and frequently relapsing condition. Perception of treatment should move away from an individualistic approach to an understanding of the many and varied relationships as part of treatment rationale. Focus should also be given on minimising the harm associated with drug use. Prescribing policies for opiate replacement should also be considered instead of abstinence as prescribed doses of methadone have demonstrated positive results. â€Å"The reduction in drug related deaths, as a result of the reduced frequency of accidental overdoses, and the wider population health gains when treatment and interventions are flexibly delivered is further evidence that the health of populations can be improved with public health based strategies for substance misuse,† (Bevan, 2003), P 19). People should not be seen as failures when relapse occur for substance misuse. Various conditions influence substance misuse and these should be taken as a whole and not in part to fully understand the patient as well as provide a more effective and holistic intervention approach. Likewise, Bevan (2009) noted that curing should not be the focus as an over emphasis on moving people on, through and out of treatment usually results in the revolving door phenomena. Substitute prescribing has been offered a possible solution to address issue on substance misuse. Engaging the individual as member of a wider society and members of dynamic social groups with families, friends and acquaintances should be a public health consideration in addressing this issue (Bevan, 2009). Substance Misuse and Problematic Drug Use Problematic drug use and misuse occurs when individuals experi ence a range of unwanted and negative consequences as a result of their drug use (Brown, 2007). Problems may be social, psychological, physical or legal resulting from regular or excessive consumption, intoxication and/or dependence on any substance. The National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse (2002) observed that these individuals often attempts to achieve stability or abstinence but relapse is usually a problem.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis - Essay Example The film has helped in bringing static pictures to life; something that did not seem possible until animated films from Pixar and the likes were being produced. The way Satrapi’s animation has been styled is simply a matter of grace and charm, leading a larger audience to watch and follow the life she led. The buildings of Tehran and Vienna, its people and emotions have all been portrayed so beautifully, that the film itself is more lyrical than a theoretical memoir of someone’s life. The humor and excitement that Satrapi feels as she grows up, has all been depicted marvelously. â€Å"Similarly, if the movie version had been conventionally cast and acted, it would inevitably have seemed less magical as well as less real.† (Scott, A. O.) Marjane’s family consists of leftist thinkers in the Shah’s regime, and they later live under the rule of the mullahs as the revolution takes place and people are forced to switch their lifestyles however Marjane tri es her best to remain unchanged as she takes her grandmother’s advice and maintains her identity the best way that she can. As she ventures to France to study she finds a whole new world where people live differently, and moreover, she is treated differently because of her religious and national background. The political repression has been showed wonderfully as the film moves into a world of colour; this further signifies Marjane’s personal voice growing and she becoming a woman of her own word. She grows into a rebel in a land where turning against the law is punishable by the minute. However, she stands for what she believes in, tries her best to get what she wants, and at the same time the same is depicted through a great amount of humour. Her love interests have also been portrayed in the movie; something a typical young girl would relate to. She is tells the story of how she believed in someone and felt affection for him because he showed her a different idea of living life. Later on however, her heart is broken and she realises the tough life one has to live. Her grandmother’s words keep coming to her as a revelation she keeps pushing off until she truly matures – owning up to her national and religious identity no matter however much a person might insult the same. However, this becomes a dilemma of her own as she is ridiculed in Vienna because of which she dramatizes her life’s situations and throws tantrums just like any other young woman. The music used in the movie is amazing; it truly matches the atmosphere being depicted in the background. Right from the history of how the Shah’s regime came into being to the wars and post war rebellion accountable to the citizens, the soundtracks are enough to give the audience goose bumps. However, at the same time, many critics state that the film went overboard in converting a graphic novel into moving images and thus was not so different from the books written by Sat rapi. This is because the film may seem to feel like meandering pages out of the diary of a young woman’s life, growing up in Iran and moving to France after that. The movie might seem to portray outbursts of her life unnecessarily and some even find the imagery to be very superficial, almost like a mix between a young infant’s animation film and an adult’

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Intellectual property Essay Example for Free

Intellectual property Essay What is intellectual property? â€Å"To give an identification means to understand†,- said an ancient philosopher. So, usually we understand intellectual property as totality of rights for results of intellectual activity (works, phonograms, inventions, etc) and means of individualization (trade marks, company name, etc). Objects of intellectual property often divide into several groups: 1) objects of copyrights (science, literature, art works, including databases and computer programs); 2) objects adjoining rights (phonograms, TV and radio programs, etc); 3) objects of patent rights (inventions, useful models, industrial examples, etc); 4) means of individualization (trade marks and service marks, company names, names of commodity origin, etc); 5) non-traditional objects (selective innovations, topologies of integral micro schemes, rationalization proposals). Intellectual property can be called a kind of asset, so in this quality you can buy it, sell, license, exchange it or to give without compensation, as any other kind of property. Besides, the owner of intellectual property has right to forbid illegal usage or sale of that definite property. Still, intellectual property is â€Å"invisible†, so in order to become registered, it should be expressed in some discernible way. Trade marks for brand identity for goods and services first of all are used to indicate the source of goods or services and to distinguish goods and services from the other. Trade marks also symbolize quality of goods or services, they are used together with. Majority of them are expressed in words, but they can be anything, what distinguish one product from the other, they can be expressed as symbols, logotypes, sounds, designs or even distinguishable non-functional configurations of products. The term of registration has definite period, but because of fundamental aims of trade marks (to avoid public confusion, to stimulate competition and protect interests of owners) – registration can be renewed and in such a way to be prolong infinitely, while those trade marks are used. What are the rights? The owner of trade mark can prohibit to others to use a similar trade mark in case such usage, probably, will arouse confusion in minds of consumers. Let’s remember trademark of Panasonic, Sony, or Nike and Reebok. All these are trademarks. So, a consumer, buying production of those companies, buys also quality of production, brand name and fashion. There are other companies (mostly Chinese/Vietnamese), which produce fake, but use principle of similar pronunciation of well-known brand names. For example, they produce tape-recorders with brand name Panassonic, Sonny, or shoes with logotype Reaboc or Nikee. Those companies cause great losses to real companies Panasonic, Sony, Nike etc. â€Å"A recognized brand name or trade mark represents the goodwill that has been built into the product or service. Consumers tend to associate the recognized brand name or trade mark with certain characteristics that are specific to that name or mark. Therefore, companies often spend millions of dollars annually for safeguarding the investment in the related intellectual property rights. † (Intellectual Property Website). The problem is that different countries have their own legislation regarding intellectual property, what created difficulties for identification of intellectual property in common. Still, such registration of intellectual property should exist, because it is a presumable evidence of validity of trade mark and rights of its owners to use that trade mark. It is also fixed in national register of trade marks, notifying the whole world that owner uses such trade mark and has right of property. That trade mark should be distinguishable; it means trade mark must have possibility to distinguish goods or services of that definite trade mark from other services or goods. It can include any original combination of letters, figures or other symbols, colors or musical sounds. There are a lot of kinds of trade marks (trade marks, which was created specially – KODAK for photo-materials, XEROX for photocopy equipment, PEPSI for non-alcoholic drinks; voluntary trademarks – APPLE for computers or DOVE for soap, to mention a few) Trade marks for brand identity for goods and services can be very valuable asset. For example, it is well-known that German car manufacturer BMW bought British car company ROVER first of all to get its set of desirable trademarks, including LAND ROVER, RANGE ROVER, TRIUMPH, AUSTIN, MGB, etc. From the other side, trademark can be almost useless, in case it is associated with bad quality. I think that we shouldn’t copy intellectual property, as far as the idea is also a kind of property and brings profit to its owner. In case a person copies intellectual property, he acts as unfair competitor and causes losses to the owner of intellectual property. Works Cited: 1. Intellectual Property Website, Why care about intellectual property rights? October 30, 2004 [online] http://www. brint. com/IntellP. htm.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Directing Macbeth Essay -- Drama

Directing Macbeth SCENE 1 It begins in a smoky hall; dark lighting and shadows are all you can see. A CD player is going at full volume in the background. We sweep across the dirty floor until a lead guitar, (not expensive but very well used), lays at the feet of a handsome young boy of about 16. He has thick black hair, just covering his striking blue eyes and perfect skin. We spread out a bit and see Macbeth's best friend, Banquo's shadowy face. Ginger curly hair shows up in the near darkness under his blue fisherman's hat. A BCU on Banquo's face shows us that he has bright green eyes. In these eyes, we see the doorframe and a shard of light as the door opens. We spin round as light and noise of the cars outside streams in. Another group walk in past the other three people sitting on the floor with Macbeth. This is the first time we have seen these people, two other boys and one girl all about the same age. This girl is Lady Macbeth. She is wearing a red tight top and a lot of make-up. The red top is to show the blood that she will shed and the make-up is to show the mask that she puts on later in the film. We have a view of the other group's legs and as they walk past, Macbeth's group looks jealous and cruel. The cd is turned off and Macbeth and Banquo scowl at each other, they are jealous of the other bands good favour with the record manager. There was another band here before and their record deal is called King. The lead guitarist is called Duncan. A white piece of fabric is pulled out of the still open door, as if on a dress. Macbeth's face is still in this shot, in the foreground but very much out of focus. Children's laughter is heard and Macbeth turns his head just as the door slams shut. We now speed through the smoke to a clipboard on a desk between two pairs of suited shoulders. Here is written "Thaine of Glamis" with Macbeth's name written on it and a paragraph of writing, Thaine of Cawdor with Freddie written next to it and also a paragraph of writing. At the very top of the page "King" is written with "Duncan" next to it. We now focus on the face of one of the two pairs of shoulders. He is beaming at the band who are playing and as they finish, he goes up to the lead singer and embraces him. He is large and fat with a bald spot on the back of his head. The other pair of shoulders is his secretary ... ...s side, unnoticed. Banquo laughs at him with the other two witches, goes to his side and starts his speech "good sir why do you start and seem to fear, things that do sound so fair," to Macbeth. Banquo thinks that this is a game, some thing made up by these young children and he starts to play along, "that he seems rapt withal- to me you speak not." He continues in this way, egging Macbeth on, while the witches group together again. Macbeth is standing alone by himself. The witches hold hands in a circle around Banquo and skip. They say these last few lines in the same tune from "Ring'a'ring'roses" they turn to run away after this but Macbeth says "stay you imperfect speakers" all the way to "Speak I Charge you". They all sing ring a ring a roses (the original words) while standing in the places they stopped, spread out on the green distant girls laughter comes and goes. At "they all fall DOWN" we have a close up of the main witches eyes then of Macbeth' eyes then of the main witch, when "Down" is shouted the witches suddenly vanish leaving the boys back in the roadside and the noise of the cars and guitar bass again is Deafening. We zoom right out matrix style.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Public relation in education sector

Public relations (PR) is the way organisations, companies and individuals communicate with the public and media. A PR specialist communicates with the target audience directly or indirectly through media with an aim to create and maintain a positive image and create a strong relationship with the audience. Examples include press releases, newsletters, public appearances, etc. as well as utilisation of the world wide web. In 2011/12, PRSA led an international effort to modernize the definition of public elations and replace a definition adopted in 1982 by the PRSA National Assembly.Learn more here. Under the â€Å"Public Relations Defined† banner, PRSA initiated a crowdsourcing campaign and public vote that produced the following definition: â€Å"Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics. † As a management function, public relations also encompasses the following: Anticipat ing, analyzing and interpreting public opinion, attitudes and issues that might impact, for good or ill, the perations and plans of the organization.Counseling management at all levels in the organization with regard to policy decisions, courses of action and communication, taking into account their public ramifications and the organization's social or citizenship responsibilities. Researching, conducting and evaluating, on a continuing basis, programs of action and communication to achieve the informed public understanding necessary to the success of an organization's aims. These may include marketing; financial; fund aising; employee, community or government relations; and other programs Planning and implementing the organization's efforts to influence or change public policy.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Body Alterations

Cosmetic surgery is the most common kind of plastic surgery nowadays. It consists on medical practices intended for enhancing one’s appearance, maintaining it or embellishing it beyond an average level toward an esthetic ideal. Tattoos, piercings and any other ornaments are applications that also take the human’s body as their final object. In his essay â€Å"The Body Jigsaw†, Philippe Liotard states that cosmetic surgery and body alterations stand at opposite sides. In the following, I’m going to take a position relatively to the above statement, before analyzing the situation in my home society, Lebanon. First of all, Liotard believes that body modifications are ways that one can use in order to look different from the common mass. For him, it is as expression of â€Å"refusal to comply with social norms† (Liotard, 264). So far, it’s true that having a foreign tattoo or a piercing in a society that doesn’t originally apply them commonly makes a person looks out of the box. Moreover, different combinations of body alterations emphasize the uniqueness of each individual and reflect a mixture of cultures. On the opposite side, cosmetic surgery can be applied for several reasons. One of them is looking for example as a certain idol, celebrity or any public figure. This aim is becoming very redundant between women who seek having this actress’ nose or that singer’s lips. From this way of thinking, we can say that cosmetic surgery promotes a kind of stereotype. For that, the uniqueness of each individual is abolished. For this way of interpretation, I stand on the same shore as the author. Moving to my home society, views and opinions concerning both â€Å"alternative† body alterations and cosmetic surgery vary a lot. There’s no single common way of handling these applications. In fact, some alterations are rejected while others can be tolerated. For most Lebanese, a familiar thought is that piercing as well as others body ornaments or some techniques are not manly. For that, a man with a pierced ear is subject to negative connotations. On the other hand, tattoos for instance are accepted to a certain extend. Concerning cosmetic surgery, we encounter three main categories of opinions. There are some people who completely support these surgeries whereas others reject them completely while some have intermediate views. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t mind people having a tattoo even though I won’t do it. I personally believe that the decision of having a permanent tattoo is based on mood or temporary convictions that can collapse with time. On the contrary, I’m not against having a temporary one. Also, about cosmetic surgeries, I support them when they aim to correct an inborn defect or an accidental one. A personal experience I had was when I broke my nose and the only solution was having a surgery to repair the bad appearance caused by the accident. On the opposite side, I disapprove plastic surgeries when they are applied just to have someone else’s nose, lips†¦ To sum up, I agree that cosmetic surgery and â€Å"alternative† body alterations are philosophical antonyms even though they both affect the body. And, like in everything else, the best use of body alterations relies in moderation. As a Lebanese proverb says: â€Å"Every excess means less† Works Cited Liotard, Philippe. â€Å"The Body Jigsaw†. Shades of Gray. 2nd edition. Ed. Zane Sinno et al. Essex: Pearson, 2008. Print

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Reflective Understanding Of Prince2 Principles In A Project Environment The WritePass Journal

Reflective Understanding Of Prince2 Principles In A Project Environment WRITEPASS REFLECTIVE ESSAY EXAMPLE CUSTOM ESSAY WRITING Reflective Understanding Of Prince2 Principles In A Project Environment ), the quality approach allows the planning of systematic activities leading to the identification of the company’s products, the project’s products, and the tracking of the quality methods. Customers’ expectations are analysed, an acceptance criteria is created, and this leads to the detailed project product description. The next task is to generate a project response, and a quality register. Quality, according to the definition of PRINCE2, is â€Å"The total amount of features or characteristics of a product, such that it meets expectations and satisfies the stated needs. Saying that all features of the product have to work as expected for a given amount of time† (London South Bank University, 2016). Simply put, the main purpose of the quality theme is to ensure that all the products are fit for their purpose. This approach signifies that if the quality of the products is compromised, the outcomes of the project will be negatively affected, as well. Befo re implementing the PRINCE2 project, it is necessary to agree on the acceptance criteria and quality expectations. For quality planning, the MoSCoW method of prioritisation should be used: must have, should have, could have, and won’t have for now. This information is detailed in the CIPFA (2012) publication. Risk Theme The risk management and monitoring features implemented in PRINCE2 are as follows: identifying risk, assessing it, planning (to avoid, exploit, reject, etc.) the risk, implementation of actions by risk owners, and communication through checkpoints, highlights, and reports, according to the PowerPoint lecture of London South Bank University (2016). The identification of risk is followed by their qualitative assessment: high, medium, or low risk categories, and the assessment of each risk’s potential impact. Risk responses can be avoidance, exploitation, enhancement, reduction, or sharing. Change Theme Ferguson (2011) describes this theme as the ability to identify and control baselines, changes, and approve or reject them. The online article talks about the applicability of PRINCE on smaller scale projects.   Change management should be based on aligning the objectives of the project with the current changes, and making adjustments in order to meet the expectations of the project owners and the customers. For example, the implementation of a change might change the projected outcomes, therefore, changes need to be made. Progress Theme The Progress theme can be described as providing periodic snapshots of the level of completion and performance towards the objectives (Oracle, 2011). Under this theme, the calculations of Earned Value and Earned Value Projection are completed, and this allows project owners and directors to see the value of work completed against the resources used. Thresholds are also important in this bench-marking process. Conclusion Based on the above review, the main benefits of PRINCE2 for companies can be highlighted as: real time input and monitoring, risk management, performance and quality control abilities, and clear definition of objectives. The main benefit of the PRINCE2 method is that it provides a standard and common language for project management professionals. I believe that adapting the management approach can improve the success rate of small- and large-scale projects alike. Bibliography CIPFA. 2012. PRINCE2 Quick Reference Guide. Ferguson, C. 2011. PRINCE2 for Small-scale Projects. Novare Consulting. London South Bank University. 2016. PRINCE2 Presentations and Lectures. Marsh, D., 1996. Project management and PRINCE.  Health Informatics,  2(1), pp.21-27. Murray, A. 2010. White-paper: PRINCE2 AND Governance. Outperform. Document Number: 1042-01-01 Version Number: 1v0 Oracle. 2011. PeopleSoft Projects (ESA) Support for PRINCE2. An Oracle White Paper June 2011 TSO. 2009a. Managing and Directing Successful Projects with PRINCE2. The Stationary Office. TSO. 2009. The Executive Guide to Directing Projects: within a PRINCE2â„ ¢ and MSP ® Environment, TSO 2009

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Why Copper Bowls Are Better for Whipping Egg Whites

Why Copper Bowls Are Better for Whipping Egg Whites The bowl you use makes a difference when you are whipping egg whites. Copper bowls produce a yellowish, creamy foam that is harder to overbeat that the foam produced using glass or stainless steel bowls. When you whisk egg whites in a copper bowl, some copper ions migrate from the bowl into the egg whites. The copper ions form a yellow complex with one of the proteins in eggs, conalbumin. The conalbumin-copper complex is more stable than the conalbumin alone, so egg whites whipped in a copper bowl are less likely to denature (unfold). How Does Whisking Change the Eggs? When air is whisked into egg whites, the mechanical action denatures the proteins in the whites. The denatured proteins coagulate, stiffening the foam and stabilizing the air bubbles. If the foam is overbeaten in a non-copper bowl, eventually the proteins become completely denatured and coagulate into clumps. There is no going back from the clumpy mess to nice foamy whites, so overbeaten whites are usually discarded. If a copper bowl is used, then fewer protein molecules are free to denature and coagulate, because some are tied up in conalbumin-copper complexes. In addition to forming complexes with conalbumin, the copper may also react with sulfur-containing groups on other proteins, further stabilizing the egg proteins. Although the iron and zinc found in other metal bowls also form complexes with conalbumin, these complexes dont make the foam more stable. When glass or steel bowls are used, cream of tartar may be added to egg whites to stabilize the whites.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

American Fiction in the beginning of XX century Essay

American Fiction in the beginning of XX century - Essay Example Moreover, contrasting of the North and the South in America are common points for these authors. This can be explained by the changes in the American society that occurred during this period. After the World War I people were tired of cruelties and violence and have already lost their self-identities. Culture and identity are so closely connected that the restoration of the whole cultures was greatly dependent on the restoration of separate individual’s identity. There was a need for people to restore their ideals for worshipping. An inner world of an individual was devastated. This can be shown on the example of Sally Carrol from Fitzgerald work, when she imagined â€Å"the Ice Palace†. This place was a spiritual asylum for the main heroine, where she wanted to escape from the scares of the Great War in Europe. Nevertheless, the main heroine fails when she tries to forget about her past in the South and dreams about her future in the future in the North. In the work by Faulkner â€Å"That Evening Sun† Southerners are also reflected in a negative light. Controversies between white and black people are another logical outcome of constant opposition between the North and the South of America. In the work by Steinbeck historical context is less evident.